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Twist and Shout CVC word with FREE download!!!!

This summer I saw this amazing idea on Michelle's Charm World and I knew that I was going to make it!!!!! 
Here is the original post: click to go to Michelle's site 

Then I made the following cards and recording sheet to go with this fun idea!

This is the recording sheet. There are 2 versions to chose from depending on if you want to use the word family cards. 

Print, cut and put the cards into a container. The students pull out one card and read the word. Then they can twist the word with the nuts and bolts and then record the word on the sheet! 

You can grab these FREE and FUN printables HERE!

Please let me know if you love this and I will continue to add free printables on this site! :)


  1. Thank you so much! These are great. Thanks for sharing freebies. :)

  2. I have awarded you with the Lovely Blog Award. Hop on over to my blog to check it out!


  3. "If" we love this??? We DEFINITELY love your printables!! Thank you so much for sharing :).


  4. DEFINITELY LOVE THIS!! Please continue to share your amazing ideas! Do you have a link to Michelle's Charm world? I need to check it out, if so!!

  5. Wow! The boys would love this--so cool for anyone, but really "manly"!!!


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