
Candy Candy Candy!!! Free Printable

Our Students love Halloween and Candy! Who does NOT love Candy? I have each student bring in 10 candy labels and we sort them by  letters. I put the pages into sheet protectors so that if I find candy throughout the year I can add them to our class book!

Grab yourself a cover to your class book HERE!~

We also sort the labels by color for a tree map! There is so much fun to have with candy...oops I mean candy labels! :) Happy Halloween Friends!



Spooky House ABC lid game with FREE Download

This week I got the cutest email from a friend at a nearby school. She had made a new lid game and wanted to share! And with her permission I am sharing it with you!!!!!!

I then took my love of lids and my love of my Cricut and made these cute lids! You can easily just write the letters with a sharpie!

 I made my game lower to upper case match up and I am going to make a word match up for my readers!

For your free copy click HERE for the ABC one or HERE for a blank one you can program yourself!



10 Black Dots

This week our little friends loved the book TEN BLACK DOTS! We also made a class book!

To grab this printable and the cover of our class book click HERE! (I kept the file in Word so you can add your name to the cover)

Designed by A Hughes Design