
Spooky House ABC lid game with FREE Download

This week I got the cutest email from a friend at a nearby school. She had made a new lid game and wanted to share! And with her permission I am sharing it with you!!!!!!

I then took my love of lids and my love of my Cricut and made these cute lids! You can easily just write the letters with a sharpie!

 I made my game lower to upper case match up and I am going to make a word match up for my readers!

For your free copy click HERE for the ABC one or HERE for a blank one you can program yourself!



  1. what lids did you use? Wud milk carton would be too big? thanks so much! I LOVE THIS!

  2. They are water bottle lids! I love the clear lids!

  3. omygosh of course!!!! Thank you so much! Perfect~


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