
Where it ALL goes DOWN!

We are not back in school yet. Our students return on Sept 6.....so my room is NOT done but I am getting close!

I love COLOR! My tables are color tables and the colors coordinate with the carpet squares. So if you sit at the blue table...you sit on one of the blue squares! :)

This is going to be my writing center. I picked up these super cute containers at the Dollar Tree and then I zip tied them to the back of the book case...some cute ribbon and WOW!

I made these blends charts on my Cricut a few years ago and I LOVE them!

This is one of my favorite things to do....the blank spot under the animal is where a CLASS photo goes from the special color day! My kids are GREAT at wearing the color of the week!

I just thought I would show some of my MANY books...These ones are on display and on the top you can see the bottom of my theme books that I use as a teacher.

This is my classroom from the back corner looking towards the door! I hope you enjoyed our little tour and you will continue to BLOG HOPPIN!

I love my new pencil containers! Special Thanks to Peace love Learning for the free printable!



  1. It looks great! Everything is so colorful and organized! My mom has a cricut, I should get her to make some things for me!

  2. Thanks! I would say YES ask her to make somethings for you. Also I had some parents with a Cricut and they would die cut things like 6 inch apples for a graph or other special class projects!

  3. Thanks Angel! It is my second home...and much more decorated than my real one! :)


Designed by A Hughes Design