
Teacher Tips

Nine tips for any teacher....no particular order!

1. Love what you do! If you are having fun....so will the kids!
2. Be prepared....always plan more than you need.
3. Ask for help...people want to help you and other teachers are ggggreeatttt resources. (I love these blogs)
4. Be positive and surround yourself with positive teachers. I heard once to stay out of the teachers lounge. I don't think this is true...but stay out of the gossip circle. It just hurts people and your teaching.
5. Take time for yourself!
6. Learn as much as you can about your students and their families. Show them that they matter to you. Build a strong positive relationship with your families from the first day you meet them.
7. BE CREATIVE....make a mess....take a chance! Kindergarten is FUN!
8. Share a passion with the kids...what ever yours is: books, science lessons, math. Show them the true joys of learning.
9. YOU are the best teacher for your students. You may need help but you can do it! Believe in yourself and have FUN!!!!!

Hope you are having fun Blog Hoppin! I know I am! :)

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