
Names, Names, Names! and a GIVEAWAY :)

I just completed my first 2 weeks of Kindergarten! What a wonderful time of the year! I love my days with my  little ones but man I am TIRED!  The first 2 weeks we spend lots of time on names! Some of my favorite name activities are:

To play this game the students stand on the edge of the carpet. Then I toss 1 plate at a time in the middle. As we sing "If your name is on the plate pick it up, If your name is on the plate pick it up, If your name is on the plate, if your name is on the plate, if your name is on the plate PICK it up!!!! I continue to toss plates until everyone is holding their names.

This is a very popular activity that I have seen all over Blog World. I do it very similar. I wrote the names of my students on the cookies and the put the song part onto sentence strips. We sing this song whole group for a few days and then this is one of the first pocket chart activities for my class!

1. Take a picture of each student
2. Cut the picture into 3 X 5 or cut out and glue to color cardstock
3. Laminate
4. Write the students name on the mickey mouse ears (these are NOT glued on the page)
5. Laminate the Mickey Ears Seperate
6. Using VELCRO or MAGNETS you can make the hats where they are removable
7. Enjoy the fun as your students give their class make MICKEY NAME EARS!

Read on Down to See How YOU can WIN
your very own class set!!!!!

We also did one of the fun Chicka Chicka hand print name activities!!!!!

We read the story A MY NAME is and then the class illustrated their pictures....

You can print you own copy of the is template by clicking on the picture below!!! *** I left the template at school. I will add this one Monday!

Name Tubes: This is a fun name center for the class. I put the letter for each student in the tub. I do make it a little easier by doing green water for boys and red water for girls. Then I make the game board with all of the pictures and names from our class! It is amazing ALL of the STRATEGIES they use to figure out who's name is in each tube!

This is fun bulletin board outside our door....just thought I would share!

Another FUN and CHEAP find... I got this black tub at the Dollar Tree then I die cut Vinyl letters and look how stinkin cute it turned out!!!!

Would you like to WIN your very own class set of Mickey Mouse Ears? How??? It is very simple?

Leave a comment for each item that you do below! Good luck! :)

1. Follow my blog! 1 entry
2 Blog about my giveaway  2 entries
3. Pin one of these pics to your pinterest page!  1 entry

I will pick 2 random winners and a class set of Mickey Mouse ears are YOURS!  Last day to enter is Friday, September 23 by 5 pm. Good Luck and Thanks for visiting my site!


  1. I posted your bulletin board to my pinterest classroom ideas board!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  2. I pinned the mickey ears pic to my classroom activities board!


  3. I follow your cute blog! :o)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  4. I pinned your name tubes activity! Love this! :o)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com

  5. Names on the paperplates is a great idea. Like you, we have names everywhere -- paper plates will be a good addition.
    A fun idea once the children are good at reading others names is to pass out their names incorrectly. then they have to quietly stand and give the plate to the correct child.

  6. 1) Love the name tubes! I wonder where I can find cute little tubes like yours.

    2) I follow your blog!

    3) I gave you a Versatile Blogger Award :) You can find it here


  7. Great News!!!! Since I only had 6 comment from different people YOU ARE ALL winners! Send me a message with your address....and how many ears you need for your class and I will get these done for you and in the mail as soon as possible!!!!!


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