
Falling for Letters!

Fall is here! Wow! It is hard to believe that we have now completed 3 weeks of Kindergarten! I am in love with my sweet kindergarten class!  I love to make new games for them too! SO in honor of FALL here is a new game idea for you too!

1. Get bag and leaves (I got both at the Dollar Tree)
2. Write the letters on the fabric leaves and add a few extra FALLs on some of the leaves
3. Put the letters and fall leaves into the bag

4. The students pull the letters out one at a time. They color in the letter they pulled out on their recording sheet. If they get FALL they lose a turn!

Sounds FUN???!!? Grab your copy of the printable recording sheet here!~



  1. Thanks for sharing!! What a simple but cute idea!!!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing...What a cute idea!!

  3. This is such a cute idea; thanks for sharing it!

  4. Thanks for such cute ideas! Please send the doughnut printables to jana.myers@usd352.org. Keep up the great work. Your site is FANTASTIC!!!!! ;-0


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