
Syllable Clappers.....also known as Grabbers!

A few years ago at a local zoo we found these grabbers. Instantly my mind went to SYLLABLE clappers. They are PERFECT for teaching your students syllables because you can see and hear each of the sounds as the mouth opens. I have LOOOOOOTS of these. My students even bring them back to our classroom from vacation. All of the ones pictured below are new additions to my collections. I found them at the Virginia Safari Park, Indianapolis Zoo, Indianapolis Children's Museum, Great Wolf Lodge and the National Zoo in DC. I pair the syllable clappers with any syllable chart or activity....my students can always use this tool to help them count syllables.

What do you use to make syllable fun and easy to learn in your room?


  1. Great Idea! We were just at the zoo!! Wish I had seen this before hand - I would have gotten some!

  2. Love this idea for syllables! Thanks for sharing!



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